Monday 16 March 2015

First Writing Workshops for MY LAKESHORE - MY HOME Were Incredibly Exciting!

Bringing people together and helping them share their art is something that I’m passionate about.  This week, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to do that as I led two writing workshops for MY LAKESHORE - MY HOME.  

Everyone was coming together to develop personal material for the festival because it will be a celebration of THEIR experiences and THEIR stories so, I didn’t want the participants to feel isolated or to simply sit and write.  I felt that it was important, not only to spark their creativity, but to create a sense of community and communal experiences in the room.  So, rather than start off with a seated writing activity, I chose to bring everyone together with a theatre warm-up game that had us moving and laughing and sometimes even trying to remember our own names.  From there, I asked everyone to chose, from a series of photos taken in the Lakeshore area (storefronts, parks, playgrounds, the war memorial, the lake, the sky, a painted mural, and more), one that resonated with them.  After a moment of thought, each writer turned to another and shared why they had chosen that particular photo - their personal connection to something in the photo.  Then, they swapped photos, moved through a simple chain dance to someone else and used this new photo as a jumping off point into a new story.  As they did this a few times, it was exciting to hear the animated conversations and to see people coming together, laughing and connecting over something in each photo.    From here, we moved on to using the photos as ‘personal muses’ and the spark into our personal stories, real or imagined.  This universality of shared experience is a huge part of what I hope this festival will be, and I can’t wait to hear the stories that emerge over the next two weeks.  Our second workshop in the series is scheduled for  March 29th, again at the New Toronto Library.  Contact us through our website if you’d like to join.

Saturday 14 March 2015

New Logo for MY LAKESHORE - MY HOME Finally Chosen

At long last, we've chosen the colours of our new logo for MY LAKESHORE - MY HOME!  It was a difficult decision and not just because we had nine different colour combinations to look choose from.  We wanted to suggest the vibrancy and energy of our multi-cultural community as well as the beautiful natural environment of Lake Ontario and the Waterfront Trail on our doorstep.   I feel confident that we've managed to do bring these ideas together in a logo that is eye-catching, exciting and memorable.

Thanks to everyone who came to our Open House last weekend at the New Toronto Library and filled out a ballot, especially those who shared 'why' they chose a particular colour combination. Thank you Lakeshore Arts, one of our community partners, for working with us on the design.

Friday 6 March 2015

New Logo Design for MY LAKESHORE - MY HOME 
We Need Community Feedback

Excitement, joy, energy and inclusiveness are at the heart of the design of our new logo for MY LAKESHORE - MY HOME!   

When I saw the design for the first time yesterday it brought a huge smile to my face and laughter bubbling up because it’s so animated and joy-filled.  It captures, so simply, the essence of what we hope this festival will be and the potential it has to light up the Lakeshore next October.   Thank you to Karla-Wray and Lakeshore Arts for all your enthusiasm and creativity.

Now that we have a logo in black and white, we’re reaching out to you for help in choosing the coloured version.  When we unveil the design this Sunday, March 8 at our Open House at the New Toronto Library, we’ll have the black and white version as well as four coloured options on display.  Stop by between 2:00 and 4:00 pm, find out more about MY LAKESHORE - MY HOME, learn about the elements of the design, and then vote on your favourite colour combinations. 

We’ll also be sharing pictures of some of the performance locations that are under consideration.  Perhaps you can suggest some others along Lakeshore Blvd. West.  If you’ve got a favourite spot that you think might be suitable, come out and tell us about it.  And, bring along a picture. 

If you’ve always wanted to learn about writing short stories or trying your hand at writing a short scene, then sign up for our FREE writing workshop series that will begin March 15 at the New Toronto Library.  We’re looking for your experience about living in the Lakeshore.  Or, simply sign up to learn more about MY LAKESHORE - MY HOME and volunteer to help us out.

OPEN HOUSE:  Sunday, March 8 at the New Toronto Library from 2 - 4 pm.  (110 Eleventh St.)