Tuesday 4 March 2014

Costume Designer - Diana Luszczek

OLD LOVE's Costume designer Diana Lusczek speaks about inspiration for her design.

1.  Where did you draw inspiration from for the costume design of OLD LOVE?  Was it directly from the script, from the director, from the time period, the characters?

I drew my inspiration for the costume design from reading the script and getting a sense of the characters as I first "met" them. Then, further inspiration came from a collective discussion of the characters and their transition between the past and the present. The director as well as the cast were contributors because of their understanding of their characters.

2. What challenges have you faced in creating the costumes for OLD LOVE?

The biggest challenge was to find a way to portray to the audience the various time periods (flashbacks & present) and character transitions. For instance, Sandra, Delores, Claire and Shirley are all played within a 5-10 minute time frame. All the characters transition right on stage. The costume pieces needed to be simple yet demonstrated a change in character. A scarf, a sweater, an accessory piece that made each character individual and set apart from the previous or next one.

3.  Do you have any favorite moments or experiences you would like to share from your time working on OLD LOVE?

My favorite time at any rehearsal, is watching the actors develop into their characters. Last week I was so engrossed not only in the performance but the story. I was totally drawn into the story being told that I felt I was part of all of their lives. It's strange how you begin to know these people, their intimate lives and at times almost feeling like you are intruding on their most private moments like when Molly confronts Arthur about knowing he is having a child with another women. 

I find I do the same thing when I'm engrossed in a good book except with a stage production the characters have come to life off the pages instead of flowing through my own imagination.

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